Tour Our Campus
Experience PenArt
Explore the campus. Tour our gardens, view outdoor sculptures, visit the Guenzel Gallery and peak inside the studios. The campus is free and open to the public.
We ask that you respect the privacy of our students working in the studios. The majority of our campus is handicap accessible.
Campus Map
15. Painting, drawing and printmaking
16. Hamming Room - Meeting and digital arts
20. Garret Studio (second floor)
21. Jewelry, metal arts and small sculpture
22. Ceramics and clay
23. Youth and family arts
25. Tourtelot Studio - painting, drawing and printmaking
1 Guide, Nathan Hatch, steel c. 2014
2. A New Direction II, Dennis Heimbach, painted steel c. 2013
3. God of the Garden, Stephen J. Fischer, cor-ten steel, c. 1990
4. For Terri, Carl Saliter, stone, steel rods, c. 2009
5. Royal Slide, Narendra Patel, steel, c. unknown
7. St. Fiacre, Raynor Francis Sturgis, Jr., bronze, c. unknown
8. Lyre, Raynor Francis Sturgis, Jr., bronze, c. unknown
9. Jumping Angel, Milton Gardner, bronze, c. unknown
10. Dancers II, David Valentine, cor-ten steel, c. unknown
11. Shield, Bill Little, painted metal, c. 1984
12. Tile Installation & Gallery Doors, Eric Frost, ceramic tile, carved and inlaid wood, c. 1999
13. Desk, Greg Hamming, spalted maple, cherry, birch, Mexican tiger eye maple, and glass, c. 1997
17. The Potter, Craig Blietz, oil on linen, c. 2004
18. Meridian Armoire and Vertigo Semainiers, Greg Hamming, cherry, birch, steel handles, avenite accents, c. 1996-1997
26. Conundrum, Narendra Patel, painted steel, c. 2003
27. Sprawl, Nathan Hatch, cor-ten steel, c.2008
28. Derailed, Sylvia Reyes, steel, c.2004
6. Gazebo
14. Guenzel Gallery
19. Administration/Offices
24. Great Lawn